Hello from the office spot in South Miami where I will continue to provide therapeutic counseling to old and new clients. I will miss the glimpses of Brickell bay from the former Brickell office but I’ve always loved the wispy greenery feel of South Miami so overall its a pleasant change. I am grateful to have found this space and this space finding me.
Formal Re-introductions
In December 2015 Brickell and I parted ways. It was a bittersweet farewell, mostly sweet. Few months after, I welcomed a new life into my life 🙂 A few more months after that, I became involved with a work contract consisting of leading and providing training to a group of clinicians within a shelter program for children and teens. I continue to be involved with that program, as it has led me to work more closely with issues related to trauma, human trafficking, and immigration–a field that is ever changing, and can elicit various emotions.
Clinical topics aside, working with teenagers and within a non profit organization is always an energizing experience, sometimes chaotic and challenging. Non profits need a lot of support and talent. There are tons all over Miami dedicated to various causes, it was a no-brainer to accept the opportunity when it came up. [Click here to check out the Miami Foundation’s non-profit central website to learn more about the various *amazing* Miami causes and organizations]. Although community work is special, it does make the juggle between my private practice work, family, and my own interests slightly more challenging. Thankfully, I like challenges and even welcome a little bit of chaos into my life from time to time 😉
After leaving Brickell and before returning to community work, I provided online teletherapy counseling services . I continue to offer online teletherapy and continuously seek to be further educated on the latest trends of online therapy which is making the profession of therapy re-think how services are offered. It will be interesting to see if and how insurance companies and legislation will evolve in Florida to meet this new and exciting demand. Also, with a more convenient accessible means to mental health care, will people begin to be less stigmatized about seeking help? Whatever the answers are, I support the trend. If you have any questions about teletherapy feel free to contact me.
As I continue to adapt to personal and professional changes, I am reminded of the ever-present need of self-care. Folks, its 2017, the need to learn ways to care for our relationships, minds, and bodies is essential. We are not only saturated with constant distractions from our phones and technology, but also saturated with information, opinions, news and other sensory overloads. The damage of over consumption of technology, toxic foods, poor sleep, harmful substances, negative relationship cycles, and yes even information– will be evidenced in stress, dis-ease and crisis.
Personal self-care helps buffer against all that. In this day and age, self-care is a social responsibility (as always, non-judging). You are a better colleague, sibling, son, spouse, daughter, employee, partner, boss, employer, servant, parent, individual, citizen, earthling, whatever- when you take care of yourself and develop methods to periodically check in and self-monitor your overall wellness.
“Don’t just look, observe
don’t just swallow, taste
don’t just sleep, dream
don’t just think, feel
don’t just exist, live.”
Mindfulness –the moment to moment awareness of the present moment-non judgmentally and meditation can be incorporated into your self care. It’s a lifelong practice. In the upcoming months I will be announcing future mindfulness based trainings and classes. I invite you to join then!
In the meantime, thank you for staying connected. Enjoy some of my favorite Brickell shots below.